strength lightness and reliability

If you have the task of building a house with high strength characteristics, you should think about using high -quality modern building materials.

The field of construction is developing in Russia every year. The construction boom involves the presence of large and private developers of high -quality equipment and materials. All this is necessary for the construction of high -quality structures and subsequent long -term operation.

One of the excellent building materials is the sand concrete M300. It is supplied in the form of a dry mixture and is used in various construction processes – the construction of walls, laying the foundation, sealing of the seams, etc.D. This material allows you to reduce the cost of construction due to its low price compared to ordinary concrete. The use of sand concrete allows you to reduce the load on the supporting structures, the foundation and soil due to its small specific density.

The composition of sand concrete includes Portland cement M400, which meets all the necessary international standards. It is used as the basis and astringent of sand concrete. The fine -grained washed river sand, which is in the composition, has the size of granules from 0.2 to6 mm, depending on the variety of the dry mixture M300. Thanks to him, the entire finished solution, and, accordingly, the entire structure, in general, decreases. Also, sand concrete includes various artificial or mineral additives that enhance the astringent properties of the material.

Increased strength, environmental friendliness, resistance to low temperatures, small specific gravity and excellent adhesive properties made sand concrete with a popular material used for the construction and installation of buildings. It is used in the creation of all kinds of streets of structures, concreting surfaces inside and out of buildings, arranging the foundation, cosmetic, as well as overhaul of ceilings and walls from concrete, creating floors in garages and residential buildings.

If you decide to order sand concrete, the price for it will depend on the manufacturer and the supplier company. Therefore, their choice should be approached with all thoroughness. Do not order the supply of building materials from the first company that has come across. Carefully study the catalogs of construction companies, call the necessary numbers, and then compare the prices and terms, based on which, you can accurately decide on the choice.

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