Sound insulation of the room

Today, the problem of soundproofing the premises bothers quite a few, and this applies to both residential buildings and apartments and various other buildings.

Naturally, soundproofing materials and technologies have long been not know-how, so most of them are now available to many, which allows us to achieve acoustic comfort in the house. However, not everyone has the desired result in this, which has various reasons.

It should be noted that work on the sound insulation of the premises must be included in the project of the future building at the stage of its creation. After all, the sound insulation of a separate room or apartment will cost more. However, developers do not want to pay extra money for these procedures. The desire to save on the construction is also reflected when choosing glass packets for windows with a soundproof property. Such packages are almost not used during construction, since these glasses are much thicker and have a greater distance among themselves. Accordingly, all this makes such windows much more than standard. It is important to note that glass lamination does not affect its sound insulation in any way.

You can add free planning of apartments to the owner of noise insulation, which sometimes interferes with neighboring apartments, because the tenant only worries about his comfort, without attaching importance to the convenience of neighbors. This category of problems also includes a floating soundproofing structure of the floors using elastic lining from the overwhelming sounds from steps, knocks, the movement of furniture and other. But they rarely use it with us, again due to the cost.

But the most serious problem is the lack of qualification of builders and masters involved in acoustics of buildings. After all, many of them are specialists only in words, which eventually becomes the cause of additional costs by the decision of the emerging situations.

In recent years, many companies have been widely used as an alternative to minerally and glass -fiber soundproofing material – polyurethane foam. It perfectly protects from the penetration of sounds, quite durable, does not destroy from the effects of microorganisms, temporary temperature fluctuations, and almost not burned. Moreover, its service life is up to – 50 years. This material immediately solves the issue and waterproofing of the construction, since the seams are not formed when using it.

Noise insulation of premises is an important stage in the arrangement of a living or working space. Although in our time a large number of excellent methods and technologies are available, allowing the building or premises to protect against extraneous noise, however, the main thing is that their installation has real craftsmen who can do everything in good conscience.

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