Licensing in Russia

Licensing means obtaining permission to conduct a certain activity. This process is of great importance, the essence of which is: companies that have issued official admission to work are provided by qualified services. This fact cannot be discounted, because types of activities directly related to the security of the state and the population are subjected to licensing. If the company provides services without appropriate permission, its managers are punishable in accordance with the law.

Licensing of activities – a complex process

This procedure is carried out in several stages:

provision of documents to an authorized licensing body;

thorough verification of the information specified in the documents;

registration of admission to work or refusal;

After registration in the registry, the applicant receives a license.

Practice shows that independent passage of all procedures does not bring quick results. Bureaucratic red tape occupies a lot of time and nerves, so it is better to entrust the preparation and execution of documents to experienced lawyers. They offer a turnkey range of services, among which the following aspects should be noted:

consulting on all issues;

audit of documentation;

consulting support;

providing practical recommendations aimed at eliminating the revealed comments.

To whom licenses are issued in Russia ‘

Many companies need admission, so the list of work is impressive. The main activities include:

restoration – it is needed by construction organizations that carry out work at facilities that are monuments of culture and architecture. This refers to the reconstruction of decorative-artistic paints, repair of metal structures, as well as the restoration of roofs, parquet floors, parts of non-ferrous metal, monumental painting;

Pharmaceuticals – licenses for legal activities are issued by companies engaged in wholesale and retail trade in drugs;

Ensuring fire safety – it is difficult to get an admission to such work, because the applicant must comply with a number of requirements: professionalism, significant experience, regular attendance of advanced training courses, the availability of premises and technological equipment;

operation of atomic facilities, work with radiation-hazardous substances-licensing bodies conduct a scrupulous audit, since the applicant must fully comply with state requirements and standards.

Licensing of activities in Russia is a process that pays great attention. Ecology and safety of citizens are put in the first place, so not every organization is issued to work to work.

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