The heating system is not only a heat source important to provide the amount of heat generated by the same time. In addition, it must be dispersed and submit to the main criteria for choosing such equipment include the possibility of obtaining hot water protection of the natural environment. Productivity of equipment, promoted operation and comfort of use, if you want to get maximum benefit, you need To consider the heating system as a whole consisting of a number of elements of complementary to each other, this is precisely what is the main advantage of Bosch Buderus equipment for heating using the Buderus units, you can doubt the coherence of all parts, regardless of the type of coolant and heating methodology, the equipment of Buderus guarantees the absolute compatibility of all elements

This world -famous brand offers high -quality heating systems of a house of any kind for any buyer. You can buy equipment for a boiler room, functioning on one or another coolant: electric energy, gas, fuel in solid or liquid form, etc.D.

Given the type of installation, the wall and floor samples of boilers are distinguished.

Wall models occupy a minimum of free space in a private house. They can be installed even in the kitchen, they do not require a separate room, their parameters correspond to the dimensions of a conventional kitchen cabinet. At the same time, wall -mounted aggregates are characterized by significant rated power. Wall models of boilers of the Buderus enterprise have a rated capacity of up to one hundred kilowatts. With the help of such units, you can ensure heating your own home, the area of ​​which ranges from eight hundred to thousands of meters of square.

Buderus can boast of an impressive choice of floor boilers that can provide heat with even industrial facilities and local heating systems. The power of one such boiler can reach nineteen thousand two hundred kilowatts. Thanks to the different sizes of such boilers, they can be installed in any buildings.

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