Diamond cutting – a new optimal solution in construction

Diamond was and remains, we say the most material. It is used in different types of work and for the implementation of various operations related to cutting solid substances. Modern technologies allowed it to use it in construction to cut solid materials.

Without much effort, you can create a perfectly even opening, a stroke, a tumba in any solid material – reinforced and uninhabited concrete, stone, brick, and reinforced concrete using this technology.

Diamond cutting greatly facilitates the dismantling of the walls, redevelopment of any room, both in the old and in the new building.

Diamond cutting is carried out using special disks having diamond spraying on the blade.

Working tools capable of working with such disks are angular grinding apparatuses of the stences and gas troops. But work with such equipment requires certain qualifications, skills and experience for their quality work.

Doing work using such equipment is quite simple. This requires support, and water access. Water is needed to cool the cutting disk, which thus reduces its wear during operation.

The main advantages of diamond cutting are:

– accurate and even cutting of surfaces and materials;

– quiet operation of equipment;

– lack of dust and other garbage;

– Fast cutting of solid materials.

The advantages of this type of cutting include both the preservation of integrity and the properties of the processed materials – they do not crack, do not break off, do not break out, are not destroyed in another way. And also, the speed of work, the ability to cut without much effort any geometric shapes in solid material, relatively small consumption of water and electricity, small waste volume, safety of the work of work.

It is possible to cut such diamond disks without their washing, but in this case the lines of the disk service are significantly reduced.

ASSIM, a product of work on diamond cutting technology allows you to save money, materials, equipment and time.

Our company offers services for the work of diamond cutting on a professional basis. The qualifications and experience of our employees in combination with modern equipment allows them to produce them quickly and efficiently.

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