Wooden finish

Wooden decoration, unlike many other types of finishes used today, has a long history. The walls of the dwelling can be made of any materials, whether it is brick or concrete, but if they are covered with wood or at least its skilled imitation, the interior immediately attracts attention, forcing the house to look comfortable and beautiful. If necessary, the surface of the wood can be covered with a layer of protective or decorative varnish. In addition, the internal and exterior decoration of the house under the log house is very popular today, when the walls of the building are sheathed with wood inside and out.

Wholesale and retail sale of building materials is carried out by special companies. An example of such a company is the ELLCA company, the online catalog of the building materials of which is located at .Eliks.SU on the Internet. Having familiarized himself with the price, the client can choose this or that material, calculate its required quantity and, having calculated the costs, connect with the manager, who will sell him building materials on the site .Eliks.SU/ at a favorable price that will pleasantly surprise every buyer.

For the first time, the decoration of wood appeared in European countries several centuries ago. The British, who were the first to guess the walls of ancient castles with wood, which allowed them to make them warmer and cozy, as well as reduce the consumption of firewood and coal, in its use. Moreover, in the decoration of rich houses, elite breeds brought from other continents began to be used, which made it possible to emphasize the high social status of their owners.

Today, the decoration with a whole array of natural wood is not forgotten, but not everyone can afford it due to the high cost of this material. But artificial wood slabs laminated by a layer of plastic, which imitating an array, began to be active in demand. No less popular are plywood and wooden panels, which are five species – solid, semi -hard, super -hard, insulating and finishing. Appearance artificial imitation of wood resembles such species as oak, ash, cherry, beech, maple, eucalyptus, pine or nut.

Not only does the wooden sheathing allows you to make the dwelling much more beautiful, it has a number of other advantages. For example, excellent soundproofing and thermal insulation qualities, as well as the ability to effectively hide any irregularities and defects of the wall. If you use the frame to fasten it, then for such a skin you can easily hide wires and communication. So that the new finish at the same time serves as long as possible, its surface is treated with various protective means.

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