The need for a heated towel rail

The heated towel rail is a thing necessary for the bathroom, since it performs several functions at the same time: support for the optimal level of temperature in the room, protection against waterlogging, drying of small things (towels, underwear, socks, etc.D.). Also, with a competent choice, towels are a component of the interior.

Of course, each plumbing store offers a wide range of bathroom products, but it is important to choose a high -quality and appropriate tint -resistant so that it serves you for a long time. The operational period largely depends not only on the model, but also on compliance with the rules of installation and further use.

Each model has its own disadvantages and advantages that must be taken into account when choosing. The most common towels are water (on water), electric (from the electric network) and combined (include both mechanisms of work) of the model.

Of course, the manufacturer of the bathroom equipment is greatly important. First of all, before buying a heated towel rail, it is advisable to study reviews, a reputation of a company that is engaged in the production and distribution of models. It is recommended to find out any little things right away so that in the future there are no disagreements. For example, an important factor is the warranty period for equipment, since if a defect or the appearance of problems is detected, it will be necessary to contact the indicated addresses and phone numbers. This will save money on the repair or replacement of a heated towel rail with a new.

After acquisition, the heated towel rail is important to correctly install, since poor -quality installation can cause the failure of the entire system. Of course, it is best to entrust this work as an experienced specialist in the field of plumbing. As a rule, many plumbing stores when buying offer plumbing services, which in a short time and for a certain amount will install a heated towel rail in your apartment. Installation of different types of heated towel rails differs from each other. For example, the electric system is a little easier, but it should be borne in mind that the bathroom is a room with high humidity, so any awkward movement or illiterate effect will lead to adverse consequences.

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