The composition of the enterprise

The enterprise is not included in the list:

seconded to work in another enterprise or institution and receiving wages there;

students of educational institutions undergoing production practice at the enterprise.

Changes in the list of personnel of the enterprise in connection with the commissioning, movements and dismissal of employees should be reflected in the documents (tablets) intended for this purpose, on the basis of which the average composition of the employees of the enterprise is determined. To do this, the total amount of the calendar days of the list of workers per month is divided by the number of calendar days in the same month.

The number of employees who are at workplaces in the workshops of the enterprise are considered to be a reign. It is defined as a result of dividing the total number of days worked by the number of working days for the corresponding period.

Temporary workers involved from the part to perform individual, small in terms of work, belong to the non -record composition of working.

The calculation of the number of workers can be carried out on the basis of tasks to increase labor productivity in comparison with the previous period, according to the time of time per unit of the product, according to the standards for the development of workers per shift, based on the plan for the arrangement of workforce on working places.

The calculation of the number of workers based on the task of labor productivity is enlarged. Its essence lies in establishing a planned number of workers on the basis of a planned task for the production of gross products in the wholesale prices of the enterprise at 1 Julio of 1955 and the planned size of development at the same prices for one list of workers. As a result of this calculation, it is possible to check the compliance with the established limit by the work of the number of workers with the planned.

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