Economic efficiency

It is known that when establishing the amount of accounts payable, requiring repayment in the planned year, the debt should be fully repaid suppliers and contractors for unpaid accounts and for unparess supplies. The remaining types of payables should be accepted to repay the deduction, which is constantly passing through the terms of calculations or the so -called, stable debt.

Calculations with contractors for work performed are carried out daily, so decaded debt to the contractors is considered constantly passing or stable. The debt that is not subject to repayment by contracting organizations for the work performed is accepted in the amount of 2.8% of the annual plan of construction and installation works carried out by the contract method, which is the debt of one.

In the control figures of the development of the national economy for 19591965. It is planned to invest in the construction and reconstruction of enterprises, about as much as it was spent on these purposes for all the years of Soviet power in housing and cultural and household construction.

It is clear that without creating a powerful construction industry and the development of building materials industry, he said at the fifth session of the Supreme Council T. Khrushchev, it is impossible, I emphasize, it is impossible to successfully implement the program of construction work scheduled for the seven -year plan

A huge scope of capital construction requires not only quantitative growth in production, but also qualitative updating and expanding the range of materials and products. A successful solution of these problems can be achieved by reconstruction of existing and construction of new enterprises.

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