Comfortable toilet cabins can be rented on the Biotualet TUT website

It is difficult to imagine modern life without the benefits of civilization, and some amenities are even a vital necessity. Toilet is one of such necessary goods. It is necessary not only in his own house, but also in any other zone where a person can spend several hours – in a summer cafe, in the area of ​​mass and city events, at the construction site or simply in his country house. When there is no way to use a stationary toilet or connect to the sewage system, the toilet cabin. You can install it anywhere, it is mobile and economical, has a aesthetic appearance and accessible comfort.

Tuale cabin “Standard” – a modern standard of comfort

The mobile dry closet will not only create proper sanitary and hygienic conditions, but will also please the quality of execution and the thoughtfulness of its design.

The cabin is made of plastic, which is resistant to aggressive medium and temperature extremes

The cabin has an aesthetic appearance and is painted in a pleasant color

The dry closet is very compact – its height is more than two meters, and the width is about 1.1 meters

The accumulative tank has a volume of 300 liters-this is about 600 hundred visits

Internal equipment is thought out for comfortable use – there is a seat with a lid, ventilation, a comfortable hanger and mount for toilet paper

A special deodorizing and disinfectant fluid, which is used in the dry closet, will eliminate the appearance of an unpleasant odor

The weight of the cabin will be no more than 100 kg, if necessary, it can be moved to another place. The dry closet will be a practical solution for both the work process and for relaxation. In addition, the cab can not only be purchased, but also rent, for example, for seasonal use. Another plus – the company will take care of the delivery of a cabin full service and replacement of special liquids and fillers.

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