Artificial lighting systems company “Bamard”

The Bamard company has rich experience in the construction and arrangement of sports facilities. Over the 17 years of existence in the market, among their customers, there were various municipal institutions, legal entities, including well -known clubs and communities. Qualified employees of various profiles perform a wide range of work related to the restoration and installation of specialized coatings, sports structures, equipping facilities of advanced, high -precision technique necessary for the normal functioning of the object.

Over the years of successful activity, the company became a laureate of competitions and received a number of certificates and letters confirming the high professionalism of its employees.

Sensitivity when working with clients allows you to satisfy all their expectations and achieve high results. There is a system of discounts and incentives for regular customers. Departure to the object, drawing up a work plan and a detailed sketch that reflects the final result is carried out.

High -quality lighting is the key to new victories

Specialists of the Bamard company in creating artificial lighting systems of football fields use the Stadium Grow Lightning Concept or SGL complex. It was developed in 2002 in Holland and found widespread use first in European countries, and then around the world.

The basic principle of operation of this artificial lighting system is the constant monitoring of all external parameters affecting the growth of grass. Today SGL is installed on many fields belonging to eminent European football clubs. Due to the high -precision technique that measures the temperature, humidity and light level on all tiers of space, and the connections through the Internet are constantly compared. Each object receives further instructions for maintaining the optimal illumination mode, taking into account individual climatic features.

A homogeneous, soft coating obtained using SGL increases the game characteristics of the field and opens up wide opportunities for more intensive use.

Reliable coating for halls and sites

The assortment of the company presents a wide selection of coatings for basketball sites from foreign and domestic manufacturers. Depending on the materials of manufacture, they are divided into parquet and elastic. The former, due to high strength and wear resistance, are used to equip large sports complexes and are designed to conduct professional games. Elastic coatings of synthetic materials are less traumatic and used in open areas, in sports halls of schools and other children’s institutions.

If you want to purchase a high -quality and reliable coating for the basketball court, then contact Bamard.


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