Tiles for the sidewalk

Budmashpostach offers customers to equip garden and adjacent areas with high -quality paving slabs. The composition of the assortment allows you to choose from several series of material from large manufacturers. In this company for material paving slabs, the price is the most profitable in Kyiv. On the company’s website / you can find the current prices for building materials and in part on the paving slabs. It should be borne in mind that the tiles for paths can be made by different pressing methods and therefore its cost may vary within certain limits. The company offers extremely high -quality tiles, which can be mounted both in private houses and in park zones. Tile products are made from natural ingredients in compliance with all the intricacies of the recipe, which allows the store to offer only certified products.

The lineup includes popular options for paving slabs that differ in coloring method, texture and thickness. These are the models of “Golden Mandarin”, “Avenue”, “Eco” and others. The coloring technique of the composition involves complete saturation of the tile with color or surface. An example of the first approach is illustrated by the Avenue series, the second is the Golden Mandarin tile.

There are also differences depending on the purpose of the paving coating. The determining factor here is the load on the tile. The use of paths can assume not only people walking, but also car driving – for example, a platform in front of the garage. For cars, you should choose elements with a thickness of 4-6 cm., And for operation, high loads requires a model from 8 cm. In this case, a combination of a “transport” coating with pedestrian is possible – such a sidewalk can have a thickness of 2 to 4 cm.

Different options for tile products are available on the website of the Budmashpostach company that can cope with both mechanical loads and perform decorative tasks in accordance with landscape design norms.

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