Plastic or wooden windows which are better?

When the question arises of replacing the windows, there are many tasks, especially one of them is the choice of windows and material from which they are made. There is an opinion that for the health of the window of plastic, they do not pass fresh air and contain some level of toxicity, but the windows made of wood are environmentally friendly. They are made of natural material, but the cost of such windows is naturally higher. The windows are plastic or wooden, which is better? Popularity in the last decade of plastic windows has increased markedly. Convenient installation and simple manufacture of double -glazed windows, which have excellent thermal insulation properties that perfectly protect from the noise of roads and urban dust are a sufficient argument in favor of plastic. Such windows look very aesthetically pleasing and stylish, they do not need to seal them in winter, and wash the frames is not difficult. A plus is a wide range of models and colors that do not need to paint them for several years. However, this is one side of the medal. It is necessary to consider its back. Plastic windows, one way or another, have the origin of the artificial, and, consequently, the material from which they are made, with sharp changes in temperature and humidity, cannot maintain absolute environmental cleanliness. Those residents who have already installed double -glazed windows in the apartment, they know very well that the systematic ventilation of the room must be performed, otherwise the air becomes unpleasant and unsaturated oxygen in the room, even if you use moisturizers. The second question is wooden windows. Natural, breathing and carrying comfort in the room, they support a microclimate that is ideal for life, both people and indoor plants. Technologies currently used in wood processing, their appearance is made attractive and stylish, while preserving their useful properties. Wooden windows of new models are a combination of natural wood and reliable double -glazed windows that provide high -quality protection against dust and noise, and the special processing of the frames increases the resistance of windows from ignitability. The manufactured windows from natural wood have the following disadvantages: high cost (subject to the use of quality materials) and insufficient moisture resistance. Expensive external precipitation in the structure of the tree can cause stratification, which will entail a violation of the geometry of the frames. When choosing windows, it is necessary to take into account all the factors that are listed above, and it is better to consult a specialist in choosing the best option. For example, in the company ‘Light Windows’, which produces and sets high -quality plastic PVC windows in Moscow for the house and cottage, is engaged in glazing balconies and loggias.

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