Fastening panels on the outer surface of the house

When the question arises about the external design of the house, it is best to turn your attention to the achievement of modern construction and design solutions in the form of panels. They are also well applicable in the internal arrangement of the house.

For fastening panels, you need to purchase reliable fasteners. Ruskonnect offers fasteners and fasteners wholesale, including Rym-Gaika. The catalog of fasteners on the company’s website includes a large range of offers.

In comparison with classic painting solutions, the panels have their own advantage, and not even one. For example, the fact that they are durable and require a single application of efforts – only during installation. Often these are strong and reliable designs with a variety of assortment that can be easily selected for the desired design style. But in order for the panels to serve for more than one year, it is necessary to correctly attach them to the walls of the house.

You can choose a fastener for setting wood panels from two options: using a crate made of wood, or metal, and how auxiliary fastening parts are taken nails, screws or brackets. In the second case, the panels are simply mounted on a bare wall with glue made specifically for such cases.

A more reliable option is considered the first. When using it, the frame crate is attached to the walls in parallel to the elements established on it: that is, with a horizontal attachment of the panels themselves, the bar of the crate should be in a vertical position, and vice versa. Diagonal sheathing involves the presence in the lattice of both vertical and horizontal strips.

The voids formed as a result of such installation of panels can be used with maximum benefit: to increase the sound insulation and improve thermal insulation capabilities of the house, to carry out communication lines. If the need to dismantle such a design arises, the process passes quickly and simply.

The second option of fastening the panels will be justified when it is carried out on old surfaces, for example, on a tile, which was attached to the wall for a long time. In other situations, it is better to use a crate.

To fasten the panels directly on the wall, you can use not only special adhesives, but also mounting foam and liquid nails. In the case of the use of mounting foam, it should be correctly applied: on 8 points in which the main load is concentrated. Liquid nails are applied to the wall with a special medium -sized spatula with rare teeth. With a slight porosity of the surface, nails are applied only to one surface, if the porosity is large – to both. The estimated drying time is at least 1 hour.

To create a more spectacular design, you can use several types of panels.

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