Calculation of surcharges

In addition to those given, in the practice of enterprises, there are non -planned supplements for deviation from the normal conditions provided for by the technological process (for example, the use of manual labor when failing of the unit, the deviation of bricks over long distances due to the lack of a free exhibition site, and fuel unloading from the onboard machine Instead of a dump truck, it. D.).

The proportion of additional wages is of practical importance in planning the cost of products.

The distribution of additional salaries between all types of main wages is made in accordance with its specific gravity in the total amount of the main wage. For example, in this case, the main wage fund for production workers 927.8 thousand. rub., and additional wages 67.62 thousand. rub., which is 7.3%.

The total amount of the planned wage fund is divided into an average number of workers. The result will be the planned average wage of one list of workers. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly ensure that the level of growth of labor productivity is ahead of the growth rate of average wages in the corresponding period.

The calculation of the ITR salary fund, employees, POs and PSO is made on the basis of approved staffing schedules for these categories of workers and salaries established for each staffing.

In addition, an additional salary is provided for the time of vacations in some categories of workshop workers, where the replacement of persons on vacation is caused by production necessity, as well as surcharges for work on pre -holiday days for personnel employed in workshops with a continuous production process.

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