Furniture in the kitchen

After the repair of the kitchen, it is necessary to arrange it with new furniture, guided by the design project that you originally made up. Of course, buying finished furniture always comes out cheaper. And today, it should be noted that you can choose good options for both domestic and foreign production.

The material and color can be different, but, of course, not the same as when ordering furniture specifically for your kitchen. If you order kitchen furniture, that is, the possibility of using all free and not effectively involved space. Such furniture looks beautiful and advantageous.

Although, of course, such an order will cost at least twice as much. Custom furniture will open great opportunities in choosing colors and their combination to your taste. In addition, the furniture that is made to order if you need to disguise the visible shortcomings.

When this stage is behind, we proceed to the acquisition of the desired technique. First of all, hoods are not an article of expenses for savings, otherwise the works from the repair made can soon spoil the soot that has settled on furniture and wallpaper from cooking on the stove, especially if it is gas.

By the way, slabs can be purchased ordinary or stop on the hobs. The first, as in the case of the ordered kitchens, is cheaper, and the second – respectively, is more expensive, but people are made not for one year. But in this case, it should be noted that it all depends on your preferences and finance.

Conventional plates also look modern, although, if we talk about the built -in, the oven can be put at the chest level, and not below, as is usually customary.

The rest of the technique is at the request and capabilities of the owner, but in the new kitchen you should provide a place for a dishwasher, even if you do not put it immediately, during the main repair. Also provide where to lay down a multifunctional kitchen combine, because it also facilitates life.

In the new kitchen, you will definitely want to cook something tasty and spend your free time in a good company!

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